After I showed my work to my tutors... they where a bit.... shocked? Of course do understand why, but at the same time, we're designers and are set to design things that will make an impact on people and make people come back to it over and over again either because its funny or informative or just pleasant to watch. I showed my characters and explained to the class my plans and they all loved it and of course it caught their attention immediately, which is exactly what is wanted when you're trying to sell something. I wanted my animation to be funny as well as serious. STD/HPV is a serious matter, but people nowadays will just see it as another boring clip thats just full of text and horrible images. IF I can make them laugh then I could also get them to listen. Either way.... my characters where not approved :( so had to research male and female representations in hope I can still keep my scenario but just with different characters. These are my new characters I drew up again, using Illustrator.
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Sunday, 20 March 2011
My characters!
Initially I wanted to create a very blunt and straight to the point animation that everyone can relate to. I got my idea from this Anti-Aids Commercial on youtube after looking through loads of, animations regarding STD's and penis's and vagina's!
I loved it! Simple and straight to the point! There's nothing embarassing about it, its just simply telling you, other than all the diseases and "situations" condoms can protect you of, it means you can have more fun too ( if thats really what you want that is). So I based my Animation on this little clip and drew up my own characters.
I loved it! Simple and straight to the point! There's nothing embarassing about it, its just simply telling you, other than all the diseases and "situations" condoms can protect you of, it means you can have more fun too ( if thats really what you want that is). So I based my Animation on this little clip and drew up my own characters.
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Mr P & Miss V |
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Motion Graphics/Animation- HPV
Chosen Statistic from above : " Between 12,000 and 15,000 new cases of orpharyngeal cancer are diagnosed each year, and about 3,000 people die from it"
Motion Graphics/Animation- Proposal
At the beginning when asked to think of topics for our Motion Graphics project, I came up with Crime/Protection where I thought I could research on how many individuals carry some sort of protection around with them on daily basis, that they believe they could use if they where caught up in a situation where they had to defen themselves. Pitching it to my tutor I realized that it is too broad of a subject and will be quite difficult to execute. My other idea was researching on how Tax is used i.e where all our money goes to when we pay tax.
For my 3d animation I want to create a 30 second clip that everyone can relate to. It is something that is always there and everyone faces in their daily life’s. So I chose to create a animation educating the risks of STD’s. I want to start off with the most common STD’s and how people tend to over look them thinking that they would never get it and that’s where I want to go deep into the facts about STD’s and how easy you can get them without taking proper precautions. I also want to introduce the HPV virus that has come to surface through out the past couple years and that has now also been proven that you can contract it from oral sex as well as just sex.
My research will all be facts on STD’s coming from reliable sources such as NHS, The guardian etc. and also looking at other animations on my topic through Youtube.
By producing a humorous yet informative animation that will be funny as well as well as serious my aim is to raise awareness of STD’s as nowadays they can be lethal, if not careful and using facts and statistics I will try to prove my point. There are so many new precautions such as jabs, that everyone should get to protect them selves and get regular check ups, as you might be the cleanest most responsible person, but even when you’re not sexually active there is loads of diseases you can catch.
I will be using Photoshop to design my layouts and Adobe After Effects to put this animation together, although as I am not familiar with the program I am not sure how far I am going to be able to execute my idea to its highest standard, but I am determined to try my hardest.
From my previous assessments I have learnt that being organized with time keeping is very vital and is something I wish to improve. I would like to improve more on my research and look into things more in depth. I haven’t had any problems with the programs used so far but After Effects seems to be more of a struggle for me as I have never been really good with Motion Graphics, but I am determined to create a strong animation, that will cover all areas of my chosen topic.
For my PPRD task 2 we were assigned to cut out words from a magazine or a newspaper article, put them in a bag and shake them, then pick out up to 15 words at random. These 15 words will then make out our Dada Poem. I chose to do a simple quote out of these words, and the words I picked out were “ Relax for Pretty Life”.
I wanted to show relaxation within my image so I chose a picture I took myself from back home in Cyprus, of the beach. The image is a close up of the water waves coming into shore. I believe the beach is one of the most relaxing places a person could go. I opened up my image into Photoshop and turned it into black and white.

This resulted to having three-color tones in my image, which made it look more exciting as well as relaxing. I placed my quote below on the sand, in a Zapfino white font; using the blending options I placed a glow and a shadow around it to make it stand out. As a finishing touch I placed a white rose next to it. I believe I have illustrated my quote into this image quite well and I am pleased with my outcome.
Personal Planning: Reflection and Development- Essay/ Unit Evaluation
When I was first introduced to the Visual Culture: Context and Theory unit, I remember being quite nervous as we were all bombarded with all these techniques and words that I have never come across in my life. I found it particularly hard, as sometimes I believed we weren’t given enough tutorials before being thrown into a major project. As time went by I started getting a hang of it and now I feel like I have been introduced to a whole new different world of design, by decoding hidden meanings of image and even text, that affect society around us. A photograph or an image to me at this moment in time isn’t just a picture of a beautiful woman and an attractive man, its so much more deeper than that as I have now learned to analyze their body language, their gaze, dress sense, accessories, the placement of products or even the text; and just in general the mise en scene of the image.
For our final piece we were assigned an essay, to research the issues of Gender or Race in Advertising. I chose Gender as I thought Race was too common and its something that we are all aware of that is going around us everyday, so for me it was a subject that I would have particularly gotten bored of as there’s no answer why there’s racism in the world and why people can be racist to the color of your skin, or your religion or even your nationality. Its just one thing in this world that no matter how deep into it you may go you will never find an answer. So I chose Gender in Advertising as I thought it would be interesting to explore how males and females are perceived in advertising and I wanted to look into the history of Gender in Advertising to see how it has changed over the years.
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Friday, 18 March 2011

For my final pieces I wanted to show a lot of feeling through them, not necessarily by giving it the 'shock' emotion, but I wanted it to touch peoples heart and be one of them posters that will make you, take a double look. I thought of how to pursue this and came up with including children; a face of a child as children always touch peoples hearts by being so young, clueless and innocent. Seeing a homeless child and a child being uncared for immediately touches my heart one way or another . I drew out a sketch of a little girl in rundown clothes, head down, holding a teddy bear (signifying a child) and a penny box; standing outside a window shop during christmas. I wanted to give it a Christmas theme as it is the most warm,loving season of the year where everyone is with their loved ones and friends and eating good food, sharing presents; really just a happy time of the year. So having a poster of a child during christmas alone in the cold, I believed it would be ideal for my final piece. After receiving feedback for my tutors, I realized that the image just said "Poverty" instead of "homeless"by the way I structured it. I was then stuck, because I just personally thought that they were both the same!
After going through the pictures I just imported them into photoshop and started playing around with them... I always loved the quote by Ghandi "Be the change you want to see in the world", so I definitely wanted to use that within my final pieces. Within my poster I wanted to show how corrupt the world is and that homelessness is everywhere! So at first I came up with the image below
I liked it! but it just didn't say "homeless people". I wanted to include the pictures that I took but I also liked what I did with this one, with the world being cracked as if to say corrupted and the red not only symbolizing 'Shelter' but I just thought of, danger, alert, blood etc. So I decided to use my picture as a background image and fade it out .
Perfect! But then I needed a second piece. So decided to play around with them a bit and in the end came out with 3 final pieces, using 2 of them as a choice of leaflets and one Final Poster.
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Final Poster |
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Leaflet 1 |
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Leaflet 2 |
Adobe InDesign
Unlike the image-editing and graphic software like Photoshop and Illustrator; Adobe InDesign is used to create pieces such as posters,flyers, brochures, magazines and books. It is mostly used by graphic designers.
Using InDesign I created my first project assignment, which was to create a book using all the different techniques we have recently learned. At first I thought it would be quite challenging as I wasn't very clear on InDesign, but I pulled through and I proudly created my first, very own book :)
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My Book in IND |
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Side View |
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Inside. |
Book Binding
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French fold |
French Fold Book Binding is created by folding a piece of A4 paper in half, then fold it again in half, creating pages. You can either leave it folded or bind the non-folded edge using Japanese binding wire or spiral bound.
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Concertina Binding |
Concertina Book binding is created by cutting out two seperate pieces of paper according to how many pages you want and folding them together in an accordion style bind.
Adobe Illustrator
Although Illustrator and Photoshop have many things in common, unlike Photoshop it is
used more for logo graphics than image editing. As a vector based drawing program, it functions by creating curved paths connected and motified by anchor points. These anchors are edited by their handles, which never leave the structure of the file.
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Experiment 1 |
After we where shown on what we could do on Illustrator, I created my own Halloween font as it was the week before Halloween using the warp,twirl, pucker,crystallize and wrinkle tools. I then created the swirls around the letters using the pencil and path eraser tools.
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Experiment 2 |
Letterpress is the printing process of text and image, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century;using a press with a “type-high bed”.This process was used through out into the, 19th century and then mostly used for books in the 20th century.
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Letterpress machine |
My own letterpress 1 |
My own letterpress 2 |
The letterblocks are thoroughly inked up by your chosen colour of ink, before placing them however you want on the bed.
After placing your chosen paper carefully over the letterblocks, you roll the bed into the press, which will apply the pressure to give you a result like above.
Type & Tape
Type & Tape is the first practical task we were given at the beginning of term. We had to create our own unique font out of nothing else but duct tape. In a group of five we sat down and put our ideas together. As a group we chose the best one. We got creative and used different colors of tape as well as making each letter different levels.We named it “PacFont”.
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